Thursday 29 March 2018

Thursday roundup

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My column in this week's Insights newsletter will be out today instead of Friday because of Easter. It'll be up here after lunch today; find it there if you haven't already subscribed (the subscription link is waaay at the bottom of that page).

I there suggest that, just as we celebrate the Queen's birthday on a date that makes a convenient fixed long weekend, we should have the statutory celebration of Easter on a fixed date rather than letting it move around all the time and mess up school calendars. It's in our third spot in the newsletter, which is generally reserved for more lighthearted takes on things. This one's written up fun, but I would totally push the button to implement a policy that would simultaneously:

  • Make Easter Sunday a statutory holiday on a fixed date (it currently isn't a stat);
  • Fix the dates of Easter Friday and Easter Monday to the same fixed Easter Sunday date;
  • Abolish the trading bans around Easter;
  • Let people take their regular annual leave if they don't want to work on whatever day the Pope and Archbishop of Canterbury say is Easter or Good Friday this year, in the same way that we currently let people use annual leave if they follow the Eastern Orthodox calendar for Easter which diverges from the Roman one a lot of the time - and in the same way that we let hard core royalists take the day off on whatever day is the Queen's actual birthday if they don't think the stat holiday is quite good enough.

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